This is the most frequently asked question before people go to work on sea.
"How much will i earn"?.
I will try to bring you a closer look on wages, saving money and spending money on a Cruise Ship.
For me the number one reason to work on a Cruise Ship was the Money.
Having a family which depends on Me and my work, my primary goal was to earn and save money.
Working as a Restaurant Steward for a German Cruise Line I achieved all my goals.
How much money do I earn per contract? Well that question I cant answer directly, cause of contract
regulations. I can only say how much money I could save per contract.
After doing the math and including all incomes, my last contract i saved 6500€ (Euros).
The contract duration was 6 months and 2 weeks. That amount will for somebody sound a little low, but its the total of what i had on my bank account after i left the ship.
Including the money i had to send home each month, and what i spend on board, that amount could have been way higher.
My goals.
Before i left home i had my goals already in mind. I knew I had to save that money.
With this goal in my mind I set the sails.
In order to do so I didn't touch my salary. That means I didn't spend 1 Euro from my monthly salary.
I was living from the Tips I made from my beloved guests :).
I earned weekly about 100-200 Euros Tip money, which I'd later saved or spend ed on board.
As I was leaving the ship I also had 650 Euros in cash, which I saved from my Tips.
If you are going on a Cruise Ship to save money this is the best way.
If you are going to have some fun and visit all the places, the Tip money will be very useful :)
Try not to spend your salary, or at least save the most of it.
This is my story about the money on Cruise ships. I wish i could revile more information, but I'm currently still employed so I could get a lot of trouble if I do so.
My best advice's for You are: Read the contract, aim for a good position, don't accept anything they offer, and set your goals.
Wish you all the luck
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